Hadi Rumadi


ABSTRACT : The background of this research is the study of literature as one long, poeticplays an important role in the development of Malay literature. As a media development andpreservation, this study focuses on the inner conflict romance characters in the poem BurungPungguk. Figure symbolized by the Burung Pungguk inner conflict within him which missedthe moon as female characters. The formulation of this research is how the depiction of theinner conflicts of the characters in the poem Burung Pungguk? The purpose of this study is todescribe the inner conflict experienced by the characters Burung Pungguk poems. The theoryis used to study the theory of poetry, the inner conflict related to the id, ego, and superego. Thisresearch method is descriptive so that kind of research is a qualitative category. Research datarelating to linguistic elements pendayaagunaan sentence, discourse, and linguistic phenomenameninterpretasikan their inner conflicts figures. The data source is the text of the poem BurungPungguk. Pengumpulan data using techniques of documentation. The results obtained througha series of studies showing that the characters inner turmoil experienced violent conflict.Descriptions of inner conflict interpreted through the use of language elements that define thecharacter of the language, attitudes, and the upheaval of one’s soul. Whether through linguisticexpressions and gestures and attitudes poem characters.

Keywords: Inner Conflict, Poetry

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